Volunteering for Peace

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Volunteering for Peace Celebrate IDP 2009

Volunteering for Peace Celebrate IDP 2009

Volunteering for Peace CC in Palestine organized in cooperation with Watan organization The International Peace Day (IDP) Celebration in the West Bank city f Hebron in Palestine.

The event which Include Volunteering for Peace CC members as well as Watan Organization members and volunteers in addition to Palestinian children who participated in the ceremony. The Ceremony included a celebration, candle lighting and singing for Peace by the participating children. The candle lighting demonstration in which every child and youth lighted a candle to share with the world and make a wish as they were writing in the banners they were holding “May Peace Prevail in Palestine, May Peace Prevail in the World”.

The Participants shouted Palestine want Peace, they asked the United Nations in its International peace day to work for peace in Palestine and ending up the Israeli occupation. The banners which they hold included; “ Give Peace a chance”, “Happy World Peace Day”, “Think Peace, Imagine Peace, be Peace”, “We want Peace no Walls”, “End the Israeli occupation to Palestine”.

The Volunteering for Peace Supported the demonstration with the Banners as well as the candle which were used in the activity. The Volunteering for Peace members shared with other participants information about URI and Volunteering for Peace and how religions can be together to overcome conflicts around the world.

The Media were present and they covered the event and transmitted it to different local and international Media stations. The photos were shared at the Internet between different International press organizations.

The Volunteering for Peace and its strategic partner Watan Center members and volunteers express their great happiness to participate at this very important event. They asked us to transfer their call to the world to be fair and help Palestine to live in Peace, keep praying to Palestine and say “May Peace Prevail in Palestine”. This is to mention that the event was organized on 21st of September which is the 2nd day of the feast of ending Ramadan. We appreciate the presence of all the members, volunteers and children during this holyday.

1 comment:

  1. congratulations everyone, really great work! it's always nice to see people fighting for Peace and goodness!

